Monday, September 12, 2022

A 12-year-old's death unsolved

Content Warning: The follow contains reference to suicide and violence against children.

Cameron — In April, 12-year-old Sean Daugherty was found dead in his backyard. The night before, he had been happily discussing plans with his parents. That afternoon, he was found hanging by a shoe string with a bag on his head and a belt around his arms. The police ruled his death a suicide and have refused to investigate further. Sean's family started a petition in a desperate attempt to get more answers for all their questions. Sign below to help them find whatever peace they can.

What happened to Sean?

10,510 have signed Sean Daugherty's petition. Let's get to 15,000!

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Sean Daugherty, 12,  passed away at his home in Yorktown, VA on 4/14/2022 under suspicious circumstances. We are starting a petition to the Virginia Bureau of Investigation (VBI) as well as to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), in the hopes that they will take the case over and investigate properly. Our local Sheriff's Department, the York-Poquoson Sheriff's Office (YPSO) has failed us, and our rights as victim's have been violated.  Help us get justice for our son, and take a killer off the street.

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