Sunday, October 9, 2022

Forced to surrender beloved pet?

Cameron — Hurricane Ian devastated parts of Florida. Citizens have been forced to abandon their homes and seek shelter in hotels across the state. But things became even more unfathomable when some were forced to surrender their beloved pets. Judith says Floridians have suffered enough. Sign her petition to ask hotels to suspend their no-pet policies for individuals affected by this terrible storm.

Hotels should alter no-pet policies for storm victims

2,580 have signed Judith Dieckmann's petition. Let's get to 5,000!

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This morning the news included a soundbite from a woman forced to surrender her beloved dog. Her home was destroyed/is currently uninhabitable due to Hurricane Ian and the hotel she has to stay in has a no-pet policy. Why can't people and animals who have already lost all that is familiar stay together? They have already been through so much and need whatever comfort and support they can access.

Not only should homeowner and renter insurance policies cover adequate accommodation for *all* family members but hotels/motels in evacuation zones should suspend any rules about no animals allowed for storm victims. They are making money off of extended stays, surely that can cover any damage or deep cleaning required.

Asking all major hotel and motel chains to suspend their no-pet policies for storm affected humans throughout their stays. 

Asking that all homeowner and renter ALE (Additional Living Expenses) insurance policies extend accommodation coverage to all family members whether they are human or not. 

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