Tuesday, September 20, 2022

I need you in this with me

Cameron — 
With less than 50 days until the midterm elections, When We All Vote, my voting initiative, is gearing up for our National Voter Registration Week of Action. It's a critical moment for us to register our friends, family, and community ahead of these important midterm elections. 
Historically, turnout in midterm elections is lower than the presidential election—but we know that if we work together, we can increase voter turnout. There's a lot to do over the next few weeks to make sure everyone makes their voices heard, and we need your help. 
Here's what you can do:

>>First, check your own voter registration right now.

>>Next, get three of your friends to do the same.

From Congress to your local government, there's so much on the ballot: access to health care, how communities are policed, the judges who make decisions in courts at every level, how this country combats climate change, and more. 

I know people sometimes wonder if their hard work is just a drop in the ocean—but I want you to know that every bit counts. Voting in every election is an investment in our future and takes us one step closer to securing a democracy that works for us all. We can't forget that. 

Will you help me and my team by checking your voter registration right now? It only takes a few minutes.

Our vote is our voice. It's our power. It's how we can build communities where we can thrive. 

Thank you for all you do. Let's get to work.


Michelle Obama 
Founder, When We All Vote

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Monday, September 19, 2022

Cancer-causing chemicals in food?

Cameron — Over 4.5 billion pounds of herbicides are sprayed into our soils, plants, and water systems. Glyphosate, the most commonly used herbicide, has been found to cause harm to the human body, including cancer. Dr. Zach Bush started a petition calling on President Biden to phase out glyphosate and other chemical desiccants in our food systems. Add your name to urge federal regulators to keep these harmful chemicals out of the food people eat. 

Ban Glyphosate: Keep harmful chemicals out of our foods

121,886 have signed Zach Bush's petition. Let's get to 150,000!

Sign now with a click

Over the last 25 years, we have seen the most profound explosion of chronic disease and infertility in human history. Research suggests that the 4.5 billion pounds of herbicides we spray into our soils, plants, and water systems are part of the reason why.

My name is Zach Bush and I've worked at the intersection of agriculture and the human health space for over 12 years. I've seen first-hand that, until we change how we are doing things, human and planetary health will continue to be at risk.

Glyphosate is the most commonly used herbicide globally–– it also impairs our bodies' and brains' ability to function properly. Glyphosate has been found to cause injuries to the cellular function of our bodies including epigenetic, metabolic, neurologic, autoimmune, and cancers. However, farmers continue to use it to expedite uniform harvests.

Every country that has adopted widespread chemical agriculture practices has seen rising rates of these illnesses.

Bayer, a company that manufactures glyphosate, lost enormous lawsuits to plaintiffs who claimed that glyphosate exposure caused their cancer. They have set aside over $10 billion to settle the ongoing glyphosate litigation. But the U.S. Federal government continues to approve its use.

People are starting to take notice. In 2020, $200M was paid out as damages for glyphosate-related cancer cases. More recently, the 9th circuit court in California overturned the EPA's "Glyphosate safe for human consumption" position that has been held at the Federal level for over 40 years. Meanwhile, the regulatory and legal stances against glyphosate haven't changed.

As farmers adopt regenerative farming methods, we can eventually rule out the use of glyphosate and chemical desiccants altogether. We can change how we approach soil and food system management and revitalize this planet.

Sign and share this petition to urge the EPA, USDA, FDA, and President Biden to phase out glyphosate and other chemical desiccants in our food systems. The health of our planet and its people depends on it.

Sign now with a click

Visit petition page

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Sunday, September 18, 2022

UPS cranks up the heat

Cameron — Earlier this month, Mike Dinaj told reporters, "When I tried to stand up, my hamstrings would lock up and cramp up, and then my hands turned into claws…. My wife kept trying to bring me water. But every time I would take a sip, I would throw up." Mike wasn't being interviewed after running a marathon or swimming the English channel. Instead, he had just completed a single work shift for UPS. Hundreds of workers have had heat strokes and sometimes even died in their trucks, and more than 1.3 million people have signed Theresa's petition demanding UPS provide them with basic AC. Add your name to join their movement.

Demand UPS provide Air Conditioning to all drivers

1,173,278 have signed Theresa Klenk's petition. Let's get to 1,500,000!

Sign now with a click

As a nurse of 20 years, I've seen dozens of patients who have suffered from heat stroke. Last summer, my husband -- a UPS delivery driver -- was one of them.

UPS does not provide air conditioning for their drivers -- even in the blistering summer heat. Join me in demanding that UPS keep their employees safe by adding AC to their delivery trucks.

After several days of working in the humid August heat in 2016, my husband woke up feeling ill. Hours later, he was in the emergency room and his kidneys were failing. My husband was re-hydrated and stabilized by a team of doctors. He was one of the lucky ones.

Drivers like my husband are at incredibly high risk during summer months, when temperatures in their trucks can climb to 180 degrees. As a result, they can face dehydration and heat stroke, which can have life-threatening consequences.

Because UPS won't protect their employees, drivers like my husband are forced to protect themselves. He tries to save his vacation for the hottest weeks of the year, but it's nearly impossible to predict. After 14 years as a dedicated employee of UPS, I can't believe my husband has to worry about his safety at work.

UPS: We know you care about your service, now show us that you also care about your people. No one should have to go to work not knowing if they are going to make it home.

Sign now to demand that UPS protect their employees.

Sign now with a click

Visit petition page

At Change.org, we believe in the voice of everyday people. Is there something that you want to change?

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